Twenty years of working in restaurants and bars can take a toll on a person, especially when that person just wants to go out. to. dinner. Period. No judging, no nit-picking. I'm careful about where I go for the precise reason described above: I'd … [Read more...]
Amador Food & Review
Restaurant kudos, food musings and more, local and beyond, all worth salivating over.
I love to be alone in my kitchen, fridge full of stuff, with time to create. No pressure of time or expectations. This fine morning, I’m listening to my current favorite podcast, Smartless, and thinking about the fact that my vegetable drawer is full … [Read more...]
Thanksgiving 2021: Rectangles for the Win!
I’ve never been afraid of going off-script when it comes to making holiday dinners – or any dinner for that matter, and this year I’m going Full Metal Jacket on my family. I have no idea what that means, but what I am trying to say is that I’m not … [Read more...]
Quinoa Kitchen Sink Salad
This week's quinoa kitchen sink salad was literally just a mish-mash of everything I thought might taste good mixed into light and fluffy quinoa. I pulled things out of the fridge, chopped, added some oils and vinegars from the pantry and just … [Read more...]
Coconut Milk Shrimp and COOL new food site!
When I have a craving, I google the keywords and I start comparing recipes. Today I googled 'coconut milk shrimp' and sure enough, within a few minutes, I had a recipe I wanted to work with. In fact, I not only found a recipe that looked delicious … [Read more...]
Three Things I Like about You (If You’re a Local Burger)
I have feelings about burgers. The good news is that Amadorians are in a good place, burger-wise, and my feelings are so strong I feel compelled to write about them. Right now, a burger worth mentioning can be found from one end of Amador County to … [Read more...]
Fresh Veggie Cornmeal Fritters
Sometimes on a Sunday, before I do my grocery shopping for the upcoming week, I pull all the veggies I didn't get around to using during the previous week and make something -- sometimes a pot of minestrone or other vegetable-based soup, other times … [Read more...]
Mossimo’s Oil, Part 1: Ciao, Italia!
Some love affairs begin with a jolt, epitomizing the phrase “falling in love.” Others emerge slowly, even reluctantly, with both parties revealing themselves over time until the attraction takes hold. It is the latter that most closely describes my … [Read more...]